Hilary Green, RD of Sodexo Wellness & Nutrition Services: Denver, is the featured guest this month. Questions about disordered eating & eating disorders are answered from her perspective as a registered dietitian. This post discusses: pregnancy in recovery, snacks, overall nutrition and the challenge of feeling overwhelmed by “how to eat” without being a dietitian.
Eating Disorders | Hiding In Plain Sight
This blog will talk through how difficult it can be to struggle with an eating disorder. It can feel like you’re putting on a good face for the world, when really it feels like the world is falling down around you.
Eating Disorder Meal Plans | Dish With A Dietitian
Janelle Hunt, RD of Sollus Nutrition Therapy, is the featured guest this month. Questions about disordered eating & eating disorders are answered from her perspective as a registered dietitian. This post discusses: the difference between a dietitian & nutritionist, meal plans, quick meals and overcoming “diet” mentality.
Reclaiming Your Body: How To Take A Body Positive Selfie
Selfies are permeating our social media, and they can encourage body comparison. Four tips on how to love your body AND still take selfies. This blog will talk through how to change your mindset with selfies, and use them as a tool for empowerment.
How Trauma Influences Your Life And What To Do About It
The healing process after a traumatic event is shaped by our values, thoughts, and beliefs. Healing is possible, although there is not one-size-fits-all therapy. Below are a trained trauma therapist’s recommendations to begin your healing journey.
Eating Disorder Therapist Reviews Body Positivity Hashtags
Eating disorders and hashtags are linked in many ways, and not always for body positivity. Find out what a trained eating disorder therapist thinks about these hashtags and how you can get help!