COVID-19 and Your Mental Health Hi Mary — yes, this is a traumatic time, period not a question. To give a little background and context, I recently reposted an image that talks about the importance of caregivers prioritizing the ability to regulate themselves over academic instruction. The last line of the image states “Academics don’t […]
big traumas
What To Expect In Therapy
A general overview of what to expect in a conversation with a licensed professional counselor. Therapy does not need to be scary! It helps to recognize you have choices in the therapy process such as who you would like to see and how to make the best of your therapy sessions.
How Trauma Influences Your Life And What To Do About It
The healing process after a traumatic event is shaped by our values, thoughts, and beliefs. Healing is possible, although there is not one-size-fits-all therapy. Below are a trained trauma therapist’s recommendations to begin your healing journey.
How do we define trauma?
How do we define trauma? If you look up the word “trauma” various definitions populate. The underlying theme amongst the definitions involves an unpleasant experience that leaves a person with an injury. The injury can be physical, emotional or even mental. So then, how do we define trauma? When I first meet with a client […]